tomboy's cozy little space

a little piece of me, and the devil within. ps: check archives for stuff, no article is too old to read :)

Sunday, August 27, 2006

cousin quotes

one of my natural highs is spending time with my cousins in oman, they are hilarious, its fun to here quotes from them, here are some:

1. at the breakfast table
uncle N: "who wants jam?"
cousin AM: "me"
uncle N: "whos peanut butter?"
cousin M: "me!"
uncle N: "you are not peanut butter, you are my son"

2. cousin A: "aaawww, dad, please don't tell me we are going to Al Fair!"
uncle N: "i wont tell you, but we are going"

3. cousin AM: "daaayumn, is that makhfi or a wall?"

4. cousin AM: "daayumn, is that a dog or a gorilla?"

5. cousin M: "when i get my car, i wont give no one a ride, ill take a two seater, and ill remove the passenger seat and place a sub woofer"

6. sister Y: "so basically during sunset prayers, we face the sunset??"


  • At 10:44 AM, Blogger DooDi said…

    Lol! Loved the Al-Fair quote :P!..

  • At 1:29 PM, Blogger Red Dragon said…


    and I thought I had funny cousin's!!!

    I really laughed at ur sister,,,

  • At 2:20 PM, Blogger tomboy said…

    lol, worst still she is 24!

  • At 2:15 PM, Blogger sameerb1 said…

    those really are from your cuzins!!!

  • At 12:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hehe.. i like "u r ma couznz part" !! :p


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