tomboy's cozy little space

a little piece of me, and the devil within. ps: check archives for stuff, no article is too old to read :)

Friday, May 25, 2007

He Promised...(2 of 2)

She vowed to him
To love him forever
Through bright and dim
Sweet and savor

Abandon her he did
Certainly betraying her trust
And escaped from her warm heart
Into the cold arms of lust

He left her drowning
In her own tears
She gave her all to him
And all her gave her was spears

The love she wasted
Was love so pure
Honest, definite and sure
Now, the pain, she has to endure

He didn’t go blind
Or lose his ears
But lost his mind
And the reminiscence of years

He didn’t end up in a chair
Or rest in his grave
He was pitiless and unfair
To a woman so brave

She promised
He promised too
Yet we wonder
Who stayed true?

!!!!!!!!!!!!!MY HUNDREDTH POST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • At 5:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You’ve rendered me speechless.

  • At 8:57 PM, Blogger Red Dragon said…

    How come we guys are allways bad!!!

  • At 10:43 PM, Blogger ManicMane said…

    Your turn of phrase is definitely improving, Zee. Keep at it, and you'll see nothing but progress. Well done, girl.

  • At 3:32 PM, Blogger superpowerfulman said…

    Red dragon is right-
    we arent all tht bad you know-
    but manicmane is right too- you are good.

    Congratualations on the century


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