tomboy's cozy little space

a little piece of me, and the devil within. ps: check archives for stuff, no article is too old to read :)

Monday, July 04, 2005

late night hallucinations

Ok…here goes
Its 0030 am now as I’m typing this pointless school-like essay
Let us put this in bullet points:
1. I’m sleepy
2. I’m confused
3. I wish I was true to myself
4. I’m a traitor (in some serious cases)
5. I’m thinking about going to Jordan
6. I really feel like eating cheesecake
7. I sleep cuddling a teddy bear (ends up on the floor in the morning)
8. Eventually I started biting my nails again
9. I’m so spoiled (thanks to my 4 sisters)
10. I got my phone back *yay*
11. I really miss my cousins in Oman :( all those: Al, Am, Fu, Imu, Pshi, Bachu, Spider and all
12. My residential visa is still not renewed
13. I need to go clothe shopping
14. Blue are gay
15. Most boy-bands are gay
16. The shirt I’m wearing right now is gay
17. Sigh I’m so bored
18. Goodnight

Ps….love conquers all


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