tomboy's cozy little space

a little piece of me, and the devil within. ps: check archives for stuff, no article is too old to read :)

Friday, July 08, 2005

oh well....2

oh well...
this is me talkin....
woke up groggy....had to cycle to the mall to pick up uncle huggy...(for those who dont know the story....ill tell ya later)
oh well...
lunch was superb....but my cousins (actually my unlces and aunts) kept pickin out the mushrooms from the mushroom sauce and settin em aside.....aaaaaaaaargh!
i eventually became a very bad girl lately (i asked my friends to slap me last night)....and i got a headache...
i got a five year old auntie who is givin me a headache coz she fighting with my nephew...
oh well...
blah blah blah....i havent got much to say
oh well...
i'll see u guys some other time


  • At 10:37 PM, Blogger tomboy said…

    aww....u broke my heart...i love
    yeah i guess its fun while it scared of the aftermath

  • At 9:22 PM, Blogger Devilish said…

    let me know if u needed any more slaps looool


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